Tesseract Geometry Package


This package contains geometries used by Tesseract


  1. Primitive Shapes
    • Box
    • Cone
    • Capsule
    • Cylinder
    • Plane
    • Sphere
  2. Mesh
  3. Convex Mesh
  4. SDF Mesh
  5. Octree

Creating Geometry Shapes

#include <console_bridge/console.h>
#include <tesseract_geometry/geometries.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace tesseract_geometry;

int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/)
  // Shape Box
  auto box = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Box>(1, 1, 1);
  // Shape Cone
  auto cone = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Cone>(1, 1);
  // Shape Capsule
  auto capsule = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Capsule>(1, 1);
  // Shape Cylinder
  auto cylinder = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Cylinder>(1, 1);
  // Shape Plane
  auto plane = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Plane>(1, 1, 1, 1);
  // Shape Sphere
  auto sphere = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Sphere>(1);

  // Manually create mesh
  std::shared_ptr<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d> mesh_vertices =
      std::make_shared<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d>();
  std::shared_ptr<const Eigen::VectorXi> mesh_faces = std::make_shared<const Eigen::VectorXi>();
  // Next fill out vertices and triangles
  auto mesh = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Mesh>(mesh_vertices, mesh_faces);

  // Manually create signed distance field mesh
  std::shared_ptr<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d> sdf_vertices =
      std::make_shared<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d>();
  std::shared_ptr<const Eigen::VectorXi> sdf_faces = std::make_shared<const Eigen::VectorXi>();
  // Next fill out vertices and triangles
  auto sdf_mesh = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::SDFMesh>(sdf_vertices, sdf_faces);

  // Manually create convex mesh
  std::shared_ptr<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d> convex_vertices =
      std::make_shared<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d>();
  std::shared_ptr<const Eigen::VectorXi> convex_faces = std::make_shared<const Eigen::VectorXi>();
  // Next fill out vertices and triangles
  auto convex_mesh = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::ConvexMesh>(convex_vertices, convex_faces);

  // Create an octree
  std::shared_ptr<const octomap::OcTree> octree;
  auto octree_t = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Octree>(octree, tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType::BOX);

Example Explanation

  1. Create a box.

      auto box = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Box>(1, 1, 1);
  2. Create a cone.

      auto cone = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Cone>(1, 1);
  3. Create a capsule.

      auto capsule = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Capsule>(1, 1);
  4. Create a cylinder.

      auto cylinder = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Cylinder>(1, 1);
  5. Create a plane.

      auto plane = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Plane>(1, 1, 1, 1);
  6. Create a sphere.

      auto sphere = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Sphere>(1);
  7. Create a mesh.

      std::shared_ptr<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d> mesh_vertices =
          std::make_shared<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d>();
      std::shared_ptr<const Eigen::VectorXi> mesh_faces = std::make_shared<const Eigen::VectorXi>();
      // Next fill out vertices and triangles
      auto mesh = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Mesh>(mesh_vertices, mesh_faces);


    This shows how to create a mesh provided vertices and faces. You may also use utilities in tesseract_scene_graph mesh parser to load meshes from file.

  8. Create a signed distance field mesh.


    This should be the same as a mesh, but when interperated as the collision object it will be encoded as a signed distance field.

      std::shared_ptr<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d> sdf_vertices =
          std::make_shared<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d>();
      std::shared_ptr<const Eigen::VectorXi> sdf_faces = std::make_shared<const Eigen::VectorXi>();
      // Next fill out vertices and triangles
      auto sdf_mesh = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::SDFMesh>(sdf_vertices, sdf_faces);


    This shows how to create a SDF mesh provided vertices and faces. You may also use utilities in tesseract_scene_graph mesh parser to load meshes from file.

  9. Create a convex mesh.


    This expects the data to already represent a convex mesh. If yours does not load as a mesh and then use tesseract utility to convert to a convex mesh.

      std::shared_ptr<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d> convex_vertices =
          std::make_shared<const tesseract_common::VectorVector3d>();
      std::shared_ptr<const Eigen::VectorXi> convex_faces = std::make_shared<const Eigen::VectorXi>();
      // Next fill out vertices and triangles
      auto convex_mesh = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::ConvexMesh>(convex_vertices, convex_faces);


    This shows how to create a convex mesh provided vertices and faces. You may also use utilities in tesseract_scene_graph mesh parser to load meshes from file.

  10. Create an octree.

      std::shared_ptr<const octomap::OcTree> octree;
      auto octree_t = std::make_shared<tesseract_geometry::Octree>(octree, tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType::BOX);


    It is benificial to prune the octree prior to creating the tesseract octree shap to simplify

    Octree support multiple shape types to represent a cell in the octree.

    • BOX tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType::BOX
    • SPHERE_INSIDE tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType::SPHERE_INSIDE
    • SPHERE_OUTSIDE tesseract_geometry::Octree::SubType::SPHERE_OUTSIDE